Welcome to my second home, the US that is the home to Hollywood, a few of the world’s best national parks and Vegas! We’re on a mission to explore all 50 states of the USA and explore the country most sustainably.
Our Sustainable Practice in the USA
We noticed that people in the US love cars thanks to the beautiful pothole-free drive-able roads. However, we have no plans of buying a car anytime soon, hence taking it as a challenge to explore the states through various public transits, from buses to monorails to trains.
Why a challenge?
Because public transit in the US is not as convenient as in India. Therefore, it’ll be a good learning experience altogether. Let’s begin our journey to the world’s third-largest country and explore the picturesque scapes around the 50 states.
Explore the USA States
USA Travel Videos
Watch my latest USA travel videos and vlogs on my YouTube Channel. You will find many gems, cool recommendations and insider tips. Also, do subscribe to my channel to get updates on all my latest videos.
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- All
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Louisiana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Utah
- Washington State
- Wisconsin